Learn Maths, Science & Prepare For Olympiads - Grade 1 to 10 StudentsSnailrush - Play! Learn! Crack Olympiad! is the best eduRacing game from Eduisfun
Learn Maths, Science & Prepare For Olympiads - Grade 1 to 10 Students
Snailrush - Play! Learn! Crack Olympiad! is the best eduRacing game from Eduisfun - an edutainment revolution for the entire family! The High-end graphics, new snails and amazing achievements will keep you hooked to it. Snailrush will get your mind racing by having to quiz to challenging olympiad questions with efficiency. This is a chance not worth letting go!
• Chant the mantra - Slow & Study Wins the Race, get the top rank while challenging your friends
• Olympiad preparation for Grade 1 to Grade 10
• Customised quiz in more than 60 topics including GK, Cyber, History, Geography, Politics, Aptitude, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths etc. for all age groups
• Covers International English Olympiad (Grade 1-10), National Cyber Olympiad (Grade 3-10), International Mathematics Olympiad (Grade 3 - 10), National Science Olympiad, National Talent Search Examination (10th Grade), Maharashtra Talent Search Exam, National Level Science Talent Search Examination etc.
• New exotic locations, amazing hall of fame racers
• Chance to know your rank, review your performance & measure your progress
• Challenge and test your friends for exciting titles & beat their intelligence!
• Top the leader-boards with your knowledge & have fun all along!
Keep Playing. Keep Learning
Keep Cracking Olympiads!!!